focus21 specializes in partnering with science and technology based organizations (engineering, urban planning, energy, health, food, resource, and water) to develop cutting-edge and first-of-its-kind information solutions. by strategically applying 21st century web, mobile, design, and data analysis approaches, we help our clients make sense of a complex world.
Founded in 2014
Located in Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 1H6
Target Markets: Business to Business, Business to Government, Social Enterprise
Open Data Sources Used:
Federal Data Sources Used: Environment Canada, Health Canada, Statistics Canada
Provincial Data Sources Used: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon
Open Data Sectors Used: Agriculture & Food, Consumer, Geospatial/mapping, Media, Tourism