
Pelmorex Media Inc.

Pelmorex Media Inc. owns and operates The Weather Network and MétéoMédia to provide leading weather information services such as hourly, long range and seasonal forecasts and reports for consumers on all platforms.

Company Website

Pelmorex media inc. owns and operates the weather network and french counterpart météomédia to deliver leading weather information services on television, web, and mobile applications in canada for consumers. providers of detailed hourly and 14 day forecasts and seasonal reports such as uv, pollen, lawn & garden and highway conditions, the company is the largest employer of meteorologists in the canadian private sector. digital weather information services are also provided in u.k., u.s., germany, and ireland.

Founded in 1989

Located in Oakville, Ontario, L6H 7W1

Target Markets: Business to Consumer

Open Data Sources Used:

  • 1 to 10 sources of federal government open data
  • 1 to 10 sources of social sector open data

Federal Data Sources Used: Environment Canada

Open Data Sectors Used: Environment & Climate Change, Geospatial/mapping, Public Safety, Science & Research